Free Registration $30 Registration Fee Waived
One Free Trial Lesson $25 Trial Lesson Fee Waived
*Free Registration and One Free Trial Lesson discount valid until October 31st, 2018. These discounts will apply once the student registers in any program for at least one full term with Musiark School of Music. Discount credit will exempt from original tuition.
Returning Students Discount $30 Registration Fee Waived
Full Payment Discount 5% Off on Tuition.
Family Discount 5% Off on Tuition
Referral Discount $50/Applicant (new student)
*Family Discount will apply when two or more students from one family register together.
*Referral Discount will apply once new student registers in any program for at least one full term with Musiark School of Music. Discount Credit will apply on next term of Referee’s registration.